You will learn how to implement advanced configuration of ExtremeCloud IQ. This knowledge will be reinforced by hands-on experience with networking equipment in a lab environment, where you will perform real tasks. After participating in the training, you will be able to successfully complete the exam for the certificate.
ExtremeWireless Cloud – Installation and Configuration certification is a mandatory requirement and must be completed before enrolling in ExtremeWireless Cloud – Advanced Configuration.
This course is designed for personnel who want to learn about advanced ExtremeCloud™ IQ configuration options not covered in ExtremeWireless Cloud – Installation and Configuration.
Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the working knowledge to:
Matts Koppen (Pre-Sales Engineer | Kappa Data), certified trainer
The training will be held at our Utrecht office.
Atoomweg 63
3542 AA Utrecht
08.30 am – walk-in
09.15 am – Start Training
12.30 pm – Lunch
13.30 pm – Continuation Training
17:00 pm – End of Training
Be sure not to forget to bring your laptop!
750€/per person