18 Sep Barracuda speeds up SyntraPXL website by blocking bots
Begin 2024 werd de website van SyntraPXL, een Belgische aanbieder van beroepsopleidingen, enorm vertraagd door botverkeer. Dit bedreigde hun inschrijfproces en reputatie. Dankzij Barracuda Application Protection werd het probleem snel opgelost. In deze blogpost bespreken we hoe Barracuda Networks hielp de website te versnellen en een miljoen aanvallen per week te blokkeren.
Barracuda Application Protection blokkeerde één miljoen aanvallen in slechts één week
The challenge
In early 2024, SyntraPXL faced a severe slowdown of their website caused by an overwhelming amount of bot traffic. This problem negatively affected their reputation and the experience of their students. IT Manager Niels Smets stresses, “For us, it is crucial that our website is fast and user-friendly. Students have to use the website to register for the start of the new academic year.”
Barracuda Application Protection as solution
Almost immediately after discovering the problem, Niels contacted Barracuda Networks. Together, they quickly found a solution: Barracuda Application Protection, which was up and running within hours.
Barracuda Application Protection, a comprehensive platform for web application and API protection, was implemented within minutes. The system can identify and block sophisticated bots, including slow bots that perform scraping and account takeovers. In the first week, the solution blocked one million attacks, immediately resulting in a faster and more user-friendly website for SyntraPXL.
Niels was impressed by the quick results: “The impact of Barracuda Application Protection was immediate. It significantly improved the web experience for our visitors.”
The improved website performance allows SyntraPXL to offer an optimal user experience to visitors at very high speeds.
With this case study from SyntraPXL, Barracuda Networks shows how their advanced security technology can not only improve a company’s performance, but also protect critical revenue streams by providing a better user experience.
Read the full story in the case study below!
Stop bots today! Contact your sales representative at Kappa Data at [email protected] for more information.
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